Time with AT, IN & ON

~ Consolidation Exercise ~

Are these sentences GOOD English or BAD English?

a) We always visit our Scottish grandparents in the summer.

b) Are you free in the weekend? There's a great film on.

c) Let's meet at 7pm, outside the pub.

d) I have a very important exam at June.

e) Don't forget your doctor's appointment! It's on next Monday at 10am.

f) Sorry I didn't answer - I was in the bath at the time!

g) She does one hour of exercise in every morning.

h) Peter loves watching the fireworks at Bonfire Night.

i) All the flowers come out on spring.

j) Let's have a big party this weekend!

k) Jerry passed his driving test in his father's birthday.

l) I think I will really understand at, in and on at the end of this exercise!